понедельник, 16 февраля 2015 г.

Journalist-turned-prostitute Samantha X hired as the sex editor of Penthouse... and reveals teachers at her young kids' school say they love reading her tell-all book

Tiffluvs2cum 33yo Dallas, Texas, United States
MizzMadStar 28yo Arlington, Texas, United States

sunkisth0tti 23yo Montebello, California, United States
barbiegirl172 44yo Southeastern, Ohio, United States

Journalist-turned-prostitute Samantha X hired as the sex editor of Penthouse... and reveals teachers at her young kids' school say they love reading her tell-all book

Escort and mother-of-two Samantha X has scored the role as sex editor of Penthouse magazine to make Australian men the best lovers in the world as she winds down her jobs with wealthy clients. more on Geo altCom

gyrofalco 45yo Looking for Men West of Hartford, Connecticut, United States
naughtyviolet 41yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (2 women) Magnolia, Arkansas, United States
DaisyB1234 29yo Jacksonville, Florida, United States

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megamami69 28yo New Jersey, New Jersey, United States
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Kya12556 20yo Anderson, South Carolina, United States

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babegyrl1023 49yo Sacramento, California, United States
sweetie3113 49yo Argyle, New York, United States
SexyBCS 36yo San Francisco, California, United States

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